One awesome experience we had was a visit from former first grade teacher Linda Lucke! She spent the afternoon teaching the kids how to make nosegay ornaments like kids used to a long time ago. It was a difficult task, but her patience and expertise reminded me how much we miss her! The kids were very proud of their ornaments that will be on display at the Cunningham Museum this month.

The kids did an AMAZING job at the Veteran's Day Program. I have a few boys with veteran dads and they were extremely proud that day! The kids realize (I think) what it means to be a veteran-I had more than a few kids tell me they think they want to be in the military when they get older.

Our INCREDIBLE media specialist, Micki Uppena, arranged for a Skype visit with author Sarah Albee. They got to ask her questions via Skype. What an amazing experience!!!

We had a Healthy Halloween Party and actually went to Piggly Wiggly to purchase the food. It was a great experience and we realized that we could eat healthy food and still have a great party!!

We had a visit from our local police department to talk about various topics, ask questions, and get to know about what our police officers do. They had A LOT of questions!! Police Pals is a great program to connect our kids to our police department.
There are many, many more photos and examples I could post about what's been happening in our second grade classroom. These are kids are fabulous! They surprise me each and everyday with what they are able to do and how good they are to one another! I'm not going to lie...we have our days, but we all realize that every day is a new day and we try our hardest to make it a great day!
I'm truly blessed with this new adventure in Second Grade!!