Well, at the beginning of my blogging experiment, I said that my goal was to blog at least once a week!! Well, I have figured out quickly that my original goal was probably not realistic sometimes. We have had a BUSY BUSY month in second grade! We have been learning the routines, reworking routines that aren't working for us, and working together to meet some goals. I've included a few pictures to give you a glimpse into our day. We have a math word wall that is created by the kids. There is so much new vocabulary with our new math series and the kids working together to create word and picture definitions is definitely helping. They have the word wall to use when they get stuck. I can't believe how quickly the kids are picking up and using the skills they are learning. The other day one of my students was able to use a previously learned strategy to defend his answer. It was AWESOME!!!

We have celebrated our first two TOP TADPOLES! They have enjoyed "introducing" themselves to their classmates and have done an amazing job. The kids make Acrostic Poems with their names and it's neat to hear what the kids have to say about that person each week. Every kid should have a chance to shine!
We took our first "real" field trip this past week. I was AMAZED at how much better we did at Stonefield than at our library visit. They have grown up so much since the first couple weeks of school. They are really trying hard to meet the expectations we have set together. They are such a wonderful group of kids!
We make sure to have fun while learning math vocabulary. We modeled the words horizontal and vertical! I'm sure they won't struggle to remember these words :)
I was fortunate enough to be a part of a math inservice this past Friday! I can't wait to use what I have learned to tweek our math class and our day. Second grade may be new to me, but I continually am learning each day and hope that I meeting the expectations of my students as much as they are working to meet mine. Together we're better!