Thursday, September 11, 2014

The First Test.....

As I type this I have a million and one things on my mind.  Tomorrow my kids will have their first substitute teacher.  The first real test of how far they've come in the first two weeks.  My days have become easier and I begin to feel like I'm close to being in the second grade groove.  I have such awesome kids and I know I'm going to learn so much from them-and hopefully they will learn a lot from me too!

So...are they ready for a sub? I'm not sure.  I worked laboriously over plans, making the day run as smoothly as possible for all involved.  I keep thinking over my plans and if I forgot anything and I'm sure tomorrow I'll be wondering all day how they are doing.  I gave them the pep talk to end all pep talks and I'll be hoping to see that note that every teacher wants to read...."You have such a nice class! I hope I get to sub in your class again!"  We'll see.....

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