Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Whew! I have a lot to learn!

Well, I survived my first day of second grade!  I have decided that I have a lot to learn!  After teaching upper elementary for 16 of my 17 years, what you come accustomed to expecting on your first day becomes much different! Don't get my wrong...I had a WONDERFUL first day with these guys.  They are full of energy, enthusiasm and beautiful smiles.  They are full of questions and want answers...immediately :)
We started our PBIS training today and they did GREAT!  We earned 3 GOLDEN tickets today! That's unheard of.  They were pretty impressed and I threw another challenge at them for tomorrow.  I'm sure they will rise to the occasion. 
We had a super conversation that sparked from an activity we did together.  They squeezed a small tube of toothpaste onto a paper plate.  They were each given a toothpick with directions to get all the toothpaste back into the tube.  When asked why they thought we did it, the responses I had were this. "To show you how we work together"  "To have fun"  "To have teamwork".  They were all right to some extent, but the real reason we did it was to remind ourselves that it's easy for words to come out of our mouths, especially when we're upset or angry with someone, but it's not easy to fix-it's "messy", "sticky", "hard" to take back something negative so we always need to think about what we say before we say it. 
Today flew! And I'm guessing tomorrow will too!  But I'm excited to see them again tomorrow and will head home tonight and enjoy my boys, who had wonderful first days as well! 


  1. Love this post, Missy, and I love the positive mindset that you bring to your classroom and our school. Your students are going to have an awesome year- and so will you!

  2. I love your enthusiasm & I love this idea! I'll be doing this tomorrow. Keep the ideas coming. I need them! ~Trina~
