Thursday, August 28, 2014

It's All Coming Together!!!




So I'm still new at this blogging thing, so I'm not sure how to make my pictures organized in a certain way!  As I type this blog, my eyes droop a little, I can feel the tiredness set in, but at the same time I'm "jacked up"! You will see this term used throughout my blog this year.  We had an incredible speaker at inservice that "jacked" everyone up!  When I decided to make the move to second grade, I knew I was up for a big change, and A LOT of work.  Moving a room is not easy but I knew after 16 years in upper elementary, I was at a point in my career where I needed a change.  I needed a fresh start.  I needed a challenge.  Well, I faced that challenge head on and I couldn't be happier or more excited to start the school year. 
Tonight is a big night! OPEN HOUSE! It's the first opportunity that my new students and their families are welcomed into the room.  Some people get nervous about this night. Not me! It's one of my favorite nights of the year.  The electricity, the excitement! The smiles!  I know the majority of my kids already and have made connections and now I'm just ready to hit the ground running.  I have an amazing group of educators and our school is moving at mach speed in the right direction.  There is energy there that I haven't felt in awhile and despite all the obstacles that will come out way this year, I truly believe we are going to BRING IT!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Busy living life!

Well, it's been awhile since my last post. But for good reason.  I've been busy living life!  I just returned from a 3Day 60 Mile walk to help fight cancer!  It's three days of the way the world should always be.  Three days of kindness.  Three days of love. Three days of hope.  I met some of the most amazing people who have again reminded me that life is to be lived-not stressed over.  I took those three days and forced myself not to worry about Open House, getting my classroom ready, thinking about CCSS.  There were times when that worry and anxiety started to creep in, but all I needed to do was look at the people I had met who face cancer on a daily basis and remember that you have to live every day like it's your last.  I believe I can take this experience into the classroom this year.  I met an amazing person named Jimmy Casas today that told us that it is our responsibility as educators to "bring it" everyday.  To get jacked up about our job.  Because we have the best job there is.  We just have to believe it.  I believe it.  Now it's "crunch time". That time of the year when you can get it all done! Somehow you just do it!  Your body is run on adrenaline.  It's the best time of year.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Lots of work, but coming together!

A week ago, my room was nothing more than piles, boxes and utter chaos.  It was very overwhelming at first, as I was moving into a new room-a room of a long-time teacher who had retired.  Teachers tend to be pack rats, and I am no exception.  I save everything, so sure that I or someone I know will "need" it someday.  So try moving 17 years worth of  teaching into a room of someone with over 30.  Daunting and overwhelming would be my words of choice.  But, my heart tells me this will be my home for many, many years, so I was determined to do it the right way.  I have spent the past week looking through EVERYTHING in my room, tossing, giving away, sharing resources that I had an abundance of to new teachers and old alike.  I still have many more hours until my new room is the way I want it to be, but I'm heading in the right direction.

My reading corner is the epicenter of my classroom-the most important space.  It is where we start and end our day. It's where we share our joys and sadness.  It's where we become "us".  Now that my reading/meeting corner is 90% done (just gotta label the book boxes and clean/organize the counter, I feel like I can finally see a light at the end of the tunnel.  It's going to be a great year!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Change is good!

I have been teaching for 17 years.  I've had so many amazing experiences, taught some incredible kids and learned a lot of life lessons.  One thing I've never done in 17 years? BLOG.  This is completely new to me and I thank my friend and new colleague Margaret Bussan and Micki Uppena for inspiring me to go outside my comfort zone and start this blog. 

This is the year of change for me.  I'm moving from 16 years of upper elementary and teaching 2nd grade! Yes, you read that correctly!  Most people's first question is: Was this your choice? I proudly answer, "YES"! Growth can only occur with change when you head outside of your comfort zone and embrace it.  I am ecstatic about my new challenge and almost feel like I did back when I started my first job in Verona, WI 17 years ago.  Am I nervous? Of course! Incoming second graders are a lot different than outgoing fourth graders.  But I have some awesome teammates by my side and a school full of dedicated professionals who will help in any way possible. 

Sky's the limit for this second grade teacher!

Bring on the new year!